Saturday, October 12, 2024

Sometimes the voices are quiet. When they are, I allow myself room to breathe. To explore corners I may have left unused or neglected. Sometimes silence says what needs to be said, fills the spaces we're too ready to dismiss or give up on. The undercurrent of a life being lived, but not quite. A place waiting for the breath to be taken, for the extra second we don't believe we have.

Sometimes the voices are quiet, but they are never gone. Sometimes the madness wants us to discover it. To understand its reality within and around us. To explore its edges and beyond to learn how to exist alongside it. 

Sometimes the voices are quiet. When they are, allow them room to breathe. To explore and commune with everything around you. Allow it for yourself as well, you may just discover pieces of yourself long neglected waiting to be picked up again. Gather in the silence, the peace. Embrace the madness.

Saturday, October 5, 2024

I've been taking some time "away" from several things that have been requiring more space than I have capacity. Recognizing this need isn't always something I see soon enough which tends to lead to a heaviness of mind and body. I needed a reset and room to breathe, to clear my mind and allow my soul to feel the freedom one can only obtain through the practice of letting go. At least for me.

Writing, for me, is more than a hobby, but also not something I want to become more than what it is, which is my tether between reality and fantasy. It is breathing and the pause between breaths. It is madness and the understanding of madness, while giving place for it to exist among the stars and storms which dwell within and around me. Writing is discovery and letting go. It is exploration. It is enigmatic. For me it is everything and the waiting nothing.

I have thought about my writing and the demands I placed arbitrarily upon it and myself and have concluded these demands must go. I don't need them and neither do the words I write. I found myself rushed for no reason, and it was quite consuming. No more of that for me. So, a time out from all else for me as I get back on course with my writing habits as they used to be, because that is all they needed to be and nothing more. No more pressure to put my writing out for consumption, but just place the words I feel and hear down on paper in order for me to wrangle a piece of the chaos around me.

In this I hope to find a balance and a peace. To get back to the appreciation I have always felt for words. A return to the symbiosis between them and me. 

Monday, September 2, 2024

It's been nearly a year to the day since I last put words down in here. Between my last visit and today I published two poetry books. Still surreal to say those words and even more so to hold a book, let alone two, with my name on the cover. Neither book is what anyone would call bestsellers or commercial successes, but those things have never really mattered to me. 

When I was younger, I would dream of having my name on a book I wrote. From dream to reality, I consider that a success. Anything coming after is delicious icing on the cake. Including all those who read my words. It's wild to me that people enjoy what I have written. Beyond dreams really. And very much appreciated.

To anyone who is working on your dream, thinking about your dream, fighting with your dream, etc.- don’t give up, don’t listen to negativity, don’t ever quit fighting. The words you have to share are important. The story you have to tell is needed. The art you are creating is necessary.

Quoting George Bernard Shaw, "Without art, the crudeness of reality would make the world unbearable." This world would be rather drab without art. And yours will add to the color, the beauty, and the humanity. Keep going.