I recently got back into journal writing. It used to be something I did daily, but somewhere along the way I got away from it. Picking it back up isn’t what one would call monumental or earth-shattering. It did, however, get me to thinking about my love for writing and where it may have begun.
When I was much younger (if memory serves between 5-7 years old) I was given a book titled The Nothing Book. Inside each page was blank, waiting. And so, I scribbled. Perhaps imagining some great work within weaving its way onto each page. Every time the memory of that blank book comes to mind, I am reminded of possibility. And the potential within myself.
I do tend to romanticize memory, but for me the receipt of the book was a catalyst for the beginning of my love for the written word, for utilizing my imagination for creating worlds and feeling by simply writing them down. My young mind was given a gift and while I haven’t always taken full advantage, my love for words and using them to create has remained and grown over the years.